Economic and Business Development

Nepoleon T. Collins, Economic and Business Development Manager

Nepoleon T. Collins is the Economic and Business Development Manager for the City of South Bay. He is a graduate of Florida Agriculture and Mechanical University with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. He is an active member of the Gulfstream Council of Boy Scouts of America and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

If you are a homeowner and your home needs repairing, please contact Palm Beach County Housing and Community Development at 561-233-3624.

Under the direction of the City Manager, the Economic and Business Development Manager oversees the recruitment, business retention, code compliance and public relations for the City as well as facilitating interdepartmental and external communication. Their expertise allows them to allocate organizational resources to maximize collaboration, efficiency, creativity, and maintenance of consistent branding or identity across marketing and public relations channels.

Mission Statement:

The mission of the Economic and Business Development Department is to plan, guide & coordinate the development of the City of South Bay.

The department will work toward implementing a master plan to attain the community's future vision, encouraging citizen participation in the planning process, assuring a firm and expedient permitting process, creating an attractive physical community appearance, and promoting a healthy economy, all of which will enhance the quality of life in South Bay.

The department will strive to provide excellent customer service in fulfilling its mission.

The Economic and Business Development Department has a diverse responsibility within the City's framework. Staff provides departmental support for the Economic Development, Code Enforcement and the Planning, Zoning and Building Divisions as well as special projects in addition to its ongoing duties.

Through this department, as a residential rehabilitation and neighborhood preservation program administration, activities are designed to assist low/moderate income homeowners in making necessary housing repairs that:

  • Preserve and upgrade the existing housing stock and enhance the quality of neighborhoods;
  • Promote decent, safe and sanitary housing conditions, and eliminate blighted conditions;
  • Improve neighborhood cohesiveness and instill a sense of community pride within the residents;
  • Enhance the aesthetic appeal of lower income neighborhoods;
  • Maintain or increase property values, and stabilize or augment the tax base;
  • Provide jobs in the local construction industry and increase participation by minority contractors;
  • Eliminate or reduce disincentives to other neighbors able to make property improvements through conventional means.

The overall community objective is to achieve economic self-sufficiency by becoming an employment center as well as a residential community. Whether you're planning to relocate to South Bay or already a resident here, you can take advantage of the housing assistance available.

(co-sponsored by Palm Beach County Housing and Community Development)

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Nepoleon T. Collins Economic & Business Development Manager (561) 996-6751 ext. 131
Joseph Shannon Code Compliance Officer (561) 996-6751 ext. 132